When can I enroll in Medicare?

When can I enroll in Medicare and start looking at my options? Can I do it now?

Do I need to take Social Security if I enroll in Medicare?

Medicare & Social Security Benefits are two different things. You don't need to start taking retirement benefits from Social Security to enroll in Medicare. Click here and learn more.

If I'm enrolled in my own or my spouse's employer plan, do I have to enroll in Medicare and pay $174.70?

If you're covered by an employer plan that is considered creditable (as good as Medicare); you can delay Part B. Watch this for more info...

What is Part A and how much does it cost?

There are several parts to Medicare and most folks enroll in Part A when they're first able. In fact, your employer may require it, however, most have a choice. Listen to find out more...

What is Medicare Part B and how much is it?

Most people will use Part B alot more than Part A. What does it cost and what does it cover?

I don't take any medications; do I need a prescription plan?

Many people ask this question, and our answer is always YES. The reasons are simple...Medicare will penalize you for every month that you COULD have had a plan and didn't. So, for example, if you went a whole year without a plan, and then decided to enroll in one, your penalty will be around $4 per month extra, on top of the cost of the plan.

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Address: PO Box 292, Gore, VA 22637​

We do not offer every plan available in your area. We represent nine organizations that offer 134 products. Any information we provide is limited to

those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact 1-800-MEDICARE or your local State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) to get information

on all of your options.